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    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview

    Celestial Council
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    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview Empty Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview

    Post by Shu Thu May 05, 2011 10:16 pm

    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview

    a recent visit to EA's Redwood Shores studio for Star Wars: The Old
    Republic "Immersion Day", Community Manager Mike Bitton had
    the opportunity for a hands on preview of one of the game's most closely
    guarded features: PvP and Warzones. See what Mike saw and check out his
    thoughts about PvP in the Old Republic.

    Previews By Michael Bitton on May 05, 2011

    Let’s get something out of the way real quick: PvP in Star Wars:
    The Old Republic is awesome. If you’ve been following our coverage of
    the recent Star Wars: The Old Republic “Immersion Days” event you’ll
    know that we chose to use our two days with the game as an experiment to
    find out how group friendly the game was. While there were a few
    issues, PvE turned out to be a pretty solid group experience. But what
    about PvP?
    Our PvP demo was set for our second day at the event,
    and following a successful day grouping with some of my colleagues in
    the press I decided to approach the rest of the group with a new plan:
    beat the developers at their own game. Let’s face it, they were tossing
    us into the deep end here with PvP and this is probably the only time
    the developers will be better than the players as they know their game
    and the Warzone better than we did. So, why not rob them of this small
    pleasure and add a little competitive twist to the demo?

    we got into our matches we were given a short presentation to
    familiarize us with the various classes, Advanced Classes, and roles
    available to players in PvP. BioWare also took this time to highlight
    some of the interesting things they are doing with PvP, including what
    they are doing to address some of the stand-out issues that tend to
    plague PvP in most MMOs.
    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview SWTORPvP-Video

    first issue has to do with tanks. As most MMO gamers know, tanks
    traditionally have a hard time finding a place in PvP when it comes to
    doing their job of protecting their allies. After all, aggro and threat
    have no function in PvP. To address this, taunted players attacking a
    tank’s allies in The Old Republic will instead suffer a significant
    damage penalty, encouraging them to focus on the tank to make full use
    of their damage potential. If the enemy decides to attack the tank’s
    allies anyways, the tank still wins as he’s still protected them by
    allowing them to take less damage, and if the enemy focuses on the tank,
    well, mission accomplished! Additionally, tanks will also be able to be
    able to Guard a designated player, which allows the tank to share 50%
    of the damage being taken by their guarded ally. Both the aforementioned
    approach to taunting and the Guard feature worked excellently in
    Mythic’s Warhammer Online, and I was glad to hear that these features
    will be part of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s PvP experience.
    is also attempting to address the issue of crowd control in Star Wars:
    The Old Republic. This issue actually turned out to be a little bit
    trickier to deal with than it already is in most MMOs due to BioWare’s
    focus on creating a cinematic combat experience. To address the issues
    of crowd control, BioWare has implemented a “Resolve” bar which appears
    underneath your character’s HP bar and fills up as you are subject to
    crowd controlling effects; once the bar fills to maximum the player is
    immune to all crowd control effects for a full eight seconds before the
    bar resets.

    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview SWTORPvP4_t

    you’ve watched many of the gameplay trailers released up to this point
    you’ve probably noticed that enemies tend to react a lot to what’s being
    done to them, especially in lightsaber combat, and this does a great
    deal in helping BioWare achieve that cinematic combat they’ve been
    striving for. The problem arises when they had to consider how this
    would work in PvP combat. The team struggled with balancing the desire
    to have PvP combat look as “Star Wars” as the PvE combat, and ultimately
    decided to keep the animations. The compromise was that basically any
    action that removes control of your character now counts as a crowd
    control effect towards your Resolve meter. This means things like short
    knockbacks, or channeled lightsaber attacks where you are stuck reacting
    to the blows also count as CC. The amount the bar fills up by is
    completely determined by the severity of the CC being used on you, a
    brief pushback will only fill the bar slightly while a hard stun might
    increase the bar by a significant chunk.
    In addition to the issues
    addressed above, BioWare intends to treat PvP as a fully viable
    leveling track as they don’t want to put anything in the game that would
    give players the impression they’d better spend their time doing a
    different activity. If you enjoy doing PvP, you’ll be glad to know you
    will earn experience points, credits, and even tokens towards an entire
    line of gear and consumables created specifically for PvP. PvP gear will
    be appropriately aggressive looking as well; even your peace-loving
    Jedi Knight will look like a battle-hardened badass when fully decked
    out in PvP gear.
    A ranking system known as “Valor” will also help
    set the better players apart from the crop and even factors heavily into
    the game’s matchmaking system for Warzones. Star Wars: The Old
    Republic’s matchmaking system will attempt to match players of similar
    Valor rank, try to create balanced teams with healers and tanks, and
    most importantly, separates the solo queue from premades. No one likes
    getting stomped by premades in a pick-up group and BioWare’s definitely
    heard you there.

    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview SWTORPvP5_t

    a Commendations system, which was described as a kind of
    “mini-achievements” system, awards players for their accomplishments
    throughout a Warzone match (and even announces the achievements to other
    players). Players can earn commendations for all manner of actions
    including killing other players, teamplay activities such as securing
    objectives, and even tanks and healers get some love. Indeed, the game’s
    scoreboard actually tracks damage taken as well as damage dealt so
    tanks that do their job really have something to brag about. At the end
    of a match players can also award a single commendation to another
    player on their team that they felt did a good job (no, you can’t award
    one to yourself).
    With the presentation over we went ahead and
    took our seats at the same stations we’d played at the day before, and
    each station was setup with a premade level 20 character to play with. I
    ended up with a dual-wielding Sith Marauder (DPS Sith Warrior), while
    the rest of my party consisted of a Sith Sorcerer (Healer), an Agent
    Sniper, and I believe either a Bounty Hunter or Agent healer. True, we
    were lacking tanks in our little group, but the Alderaan Warzone we were
    to participate in was an 8v8 and so there were four other players who
    would join us on our team.
    The setup was a best of three (Press
    vs. Developers) with a warm-up match to get used to our characters. The
    Alderaan Warzone we participated in was the original Warzone revealed at
    E3 last year, and is probably best compared to a Titan match in
    Battlefield 2142 (though there is no final assault on the ship itself).
    Players spawn in their respective warships and fly down to the
    battlefield atop speederbikes. The objective is to secure three turrets,
    with each secured turret firing on the opposing team’s ship depleting
    its hitpoints and eventually destroying it. Naturally, the more turrets
    you hold the faster the enemy warship is destroyed. The ship even
    visually reflects its damaged state and once the ship is destroyed it
    will actually crash down into the ground in a massive fireball.
    Unfortunately, that cutscene wasn’t ready at the time so we didn’t get a
    chance to see it for ourselves.
    While playing our warm-up match
    we focused on working as a group and applying what we’d all learned
    playing together in heroic content during our PvE experience on the
    previous day in order to improve our chances in PvP. This meant proper
    communication, healing prioritization, and making tactical use of crowd
    controlling effects, something especially important with the new Resolve
    bar as you have to keep in mind where and when you use your crowd
    control. Hitting a dangerous player with a near maxed bar with some hard
    CC can often work against you as you pretty much give the guy a full
    eight seconds to go crazy on everyone. As a sidenote, Resolve proved to
    be a very effective way of dealing with crowd control effects as I never
    felt like I was being taken out of the fight for too long, and
    communicating on who we wanted to take out of the fight and at what
    moment turned out to be key in winning a number of important skirmishes.
    There is also an Unreal Tournament/Quake vibe to the matches as there
    are a number of powerups scattered throughout the map, and so knowing
    map layouts will be especially important for competitive players. For
    example, I made use of the damage and speed powerups to quickly get to
    far away turrets under siege and to give me that extra edge in turning
    the tide of battle once I got there.

    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview SWTORPvP6_t

    we lost our wam-up match to the developers as we weren’t really paying
    much attention to the objectives, opting to instead turn the match into a
    team deatmatch of sorts. My warm-up match also woke me up to the
    awesome raw power of the Sith Marauder, who turned out to be an absolute
    wrecking ball on the battlefield in the right hands. I went 21 and 0
    during our warm-up, and this was really only the beginning of what was
    to come.
    During our first real match my groupmates and I applied
    everything from our warm-up while also paying close attention to the
    objectives, leading us to a very satisfying victory. We were a crack
    team focused on securing two of the three turrets and defending them
    with all we could muster. My Sith Warrior was an absolute menace, to the
    point of having the developers yelling and swearing at the mere sight
    of the guy. I also picked on Daniel Erickson a lot as he was a Jedi
    Consular and so I thought he was the healer for a while. Whoops!
    those of you interested in the Sith Warrior, I can tell you that a
    pissed off Sith Warrior is really something to fear as if you know what
    you are doing there is simply very little way to escape his wrath. In
    close combat he has a number of high damaging abilities including an
    awesome Impale move and a heavy bleed DoT. At range, the Sith Warrior
    can Force Choke his enemies stunning them during the three second
    channel, and then Force Scream at them for a one-two punch of CC and
    high ranged damage. This proved very useful at dealing with runners, but
    if that’s not enough your charge is extremely effective as well.
    fact, the Sith Warrior’s charge doesn’t work like you’d expect it to in
    your typical MMO; height isn’t an issue. You can leap up and down
    several stories to your selected target, which makes for some amusing
    situations with players who think they’ve gotten the upper hand by
    finding high ground to attack you from. For example, one Trooper thought
    he was slick shooting at my team from an elevated platform with no way
    to get to it other than to basically run around a large portion of the
    map. This was no problem for my Sith Warrior; I stood underneath him
    taking some blaster fire in the process, put on my best “Challenge
    Accepted” face and just leapt right up to him, tearing him to shreds.
    There is one caveat though: you cannot charge targets who are taking
    cover, which is understandable, as this would really limit the
    effectiveness of Snipers and Smugglers.
    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview SWTORPvP7_t

    combat in The Old Republic felt visceral, fast-paced, and most
    importantly, tactical. I could even take on multiple targets and survive
    if I used my abilities correctly. At one point, I’d gone over to a
    turret that Daniel Erickson’s Jedi Consular was in the process of
    stealing away from our team. Alone, I almost felt bad (almost) as he
    groaned knowing the beating he was about to catch, however, two of his
    lightsaber-wielding brethren soon showed up to save his bacon and by
    this point I’d built up a reputation for being a total menace so I
    didn’t want to give them the pleasure of exacting their revenge upon me.
    I stepped up to the challenge of trying to kill all three of them
    myself (which sounds suicidal but I was feeling cocky at the time), and
    with some sound choices I was able to take out two of the three before
    my teammates showed up to ensure our victory and secure the point.

    decided to up the ante in round two by spending our earned PvP tokens
    on powerful consumables such as speed buffs, but I also opted to make
    use of a “thorn shield” consumable as the BioWare team had enough of my
    shenanigans at this point and made serious effort to focus me down. I
    figured I’d give it to them back a bit as they’d actually gotten me to
    die a few times. Speaking of focusing me down, my Sith Warrior’s
    rampage was largely enabled by having an awesome team, with’s MikeB (yes, there are two of us) and’s Kody
    providing some excellent healing support. More interestingly, the other
    MikeB, who was playing the Sith Sorcerer often either tied me or inched
    ahead of me in kill count, all the while keeping the rest of us well
    healed, so those of you thinking you’ll just be playing whack-a-mole
    with health bars can rest assured: beating ass as a healer is definitely
    Ultimately, we swept the BioWare team in our best of
    three, but it wasn’t just the shutout that made the experience exciting,
    it was the ebb and flow of each skirmish; there was never a feeling
    that we were snowballing them even when we ended up winning out. Showing
    up with more people wasn’t a guarantee for victory, this wasn’t a zerg
    game. Making tactical decisions during each and every skirmish was
    rewarding, and a bad situation could easily turn around with some good
    communication and proper execution.
    Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview BH5_t

    a former heavy roleplayer turned bloodlusting PvP player, I can tell
    you I live and breathe for a solid PvP experience nowadays. Content, no
    matter how good it is, eventually runs out, and you want to do
    something with all that sweet gear you’ve put together so PvP is
    definitely my activity of choice. What especially stood out to me is the
    fact the game worked well both when I was tightly working with my
    groupmates and during the times I’d decided to lone wolf it and take an
    objective alone. Some games put either too much or too little focus on
    the group dynamic, often resulting in either a team of lone wolves
    paying no attention to teamplay or an experience where you feel
    absolutely useless when trying to excel on your own or carry a team.
    Obviously, I cannot speak to the larger picture of PvP in Star Wars: The
    Old Republic (especially the open world aspect, which will allow for
    companions, Warzones do not), but the small taste we got of level 20 PvP
    in the Alderaan Warzone was probably the most fun I’d had doing PvP in
    quite some time and I can only hope that BioWare manages to retain and
    somehow improve on that experience in the months leading up to launch.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 12:30 am