Onearea of focus for the November 24 version update is battle balancing.Among the many adjustments being made are changes to the accuracy ofphysical and magic attacks, enmity rates, actions for all classes, andreductions to the amount of skill points needed to rank up, and more.
Character Progression
The accuracy rates for actions in general, both physical and magic,have been increased, making it easier for players to land attacks. Thiswill, subsequently, result in more skill points.
Skill Points in Parties
Skill points earned in battle are now awarded after an enemy isdefeated. Additionally, discrepancies in the amount of skill pointsawarded to party members have been reduced. Together with thesechanges, the overall number of skill points awarded has also beenincreased, making progression easier even in smaller parties.
The above changes will serve to increase the tempo of battle, andalso allow players to obtain more skill points than was previouslypossible. To further facilitate the process of ranking up, the amountof skill points required to attain ranks 11 through 31 has beenreduced. The reductions are most significant for the rank range of 11through 20, as we would like to enable players the ability to engage inmore goal-oriented content, such as the hunting of notorious monsters,at an earlier stage of play. Further information regarding thesechanges will be released in the version update details Topics post ofNovember 24.
Balancing Adjustments to Actions
In order to improve the uniqueness andflavor of each class in party battle, we have made a number ofadjustments to the effects, durations, execution costs, and enmitygeneration rates of a number of actions. Below is a sampling of thesechanges.
Active duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
Evasion rate increased.
Luminous Spire
MP cost reduced from 20 to 10.
Stamina cost reduced from 5 to 3.5.
Active duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
Parry rate increased.
Stamina cost reduced from 6 to 3.5.
MP cost reduced from 30 to 15.
Speed Surge, Life Surge
Active duration increased from 120 to 180 seconds.
Cure, Cure II, Cure III
Enmity generation adjusted.
Amount of damage dealt increased.
Sacrifice, Sacrifice II, Sacrifice III
Enmity generation adjusted.
Amount of HP healed increased