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    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
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    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:20 pm

    got some other info here as well


    Lots of information this time around! Famitsu has a giant spread for
    Final Fantasy XIV this week that featured a number of job classes,
    complete with Abilities and Weapon Skills! They also found the time to
    grab three developers for an interview: Atsushi Okada 岡田厚志, FFXIV Battle Planner; Sei Sato 佐藤制, FFXIV Planner; and Kenichi Iwao 岩尾賢一, FFXIV Planner.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159896
    Let's jump into the interview first, and then see what the developers
    had to say about each job!
    Discuss this on the ZAM Forums!
    Battles in Final Fantasy XIV

    - First, give us an overall image
    of battles in FFXIV.

    Okada: Players can fight
    in parties or go solo in FFXIV, but the monsters can be in parties as
    well. There will be battles where it is "party vs. party." Battles
    won't be fought by pulling enemies back to a set camp, but rather we are
    envisioning players moving about as they fight. [Elmer Point: think
    nomad camp style

    - So the feeling is you rotate from
    enemy spawn point to spawn point with some healing in-between?

    Okada: Yes. But, one of
    the aspects of FFXIV is that you don't recover MP. Of course, that
    isn't to say there is no way to do so; there will be abilities players
    can learn to recover MP, Aetheryte will heal both HP and MP, among other

    Iwao: Don't think of it
    as individual encounters, but as managing your MP over the course of a
    one, prolonged battle comprised of a number of fights.

    Sato: When everyone goes
    to a certain place to accomplish some goal, it is important to manage
    your MP in a way that allows it to last until you achieve that final
    goal. There will also be classes that serve as "MP controllers" that
    can help manage the MP of the party.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159900

    - Looking at this chart, is it safe
    to say each class has their own specific range from which they attack?

    Sato: Yes. In FFXIV,
    one's position, as well as the position and orientation of the enemy,
    has a large effect on battles. Following that line of reasoning, there
    will be appropriate distances for classes that maximize their

    Iwao: We plan to have
    enemy classes follow these rules as well, and also include some
    techniques they can use in conjunction with each other. The idea is a
    battle where you are constantly moving, trying to attain the best
    position. So when it's party vs. party, this can get really exciting.
    It's not about sitting in one spot and striking away at an enemy; the
    player needs to consider the enemy's position and act accordingly.

    Sato: It's not an action
    game, but there's a little taste of action in there.

    - So if players need to move around
    during battle looking for the sweet spot, wouldn't this make
    close-combat classes much easier to play?

    Iwao: Close combat
    classes need to be more aware of their orientation, while ranged classes
    must pay particular attention to distance.

    Sato: When fighting close
    combat, your orientation will have different effects. I wouldn't say
    fighting close up is any easier than fighting at a distance.

    Iwao: Also, there is the
    important factor of "area of effect." This mostly comes into play with
    magic, but there are many techniques utilized by classes outside the
    Disciples of Magic that have areas of effect.

    Sato: We want you to
    think of the area in which you do battle as really your party's space --
    a place where you work together. To that end, attacks with an area of
    effect will be even more important this time around.

    Iwao: There are several
    aspects to areas of effect, such as spreading benefits across party
    members, or blasting through a bunch of enemies from within. We hope
    that this, combined with distance and orientation, will make for fun,
    tactical battles that players will enjoy.

    - Can you give us anymore
    information on how the elements come into play in FFXIV?

    Okada: In the world of
    FFXIV, there are 6 elements: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Thunder and Water.
    They will all have their characteristics as well, such as Water being
    strong against Fire, but weak against Thunder.

    Iwao: Both players and
    enemies will be affected by their affinity with the elements. Also,
    there exist forces aligned to these 6 elements called "Star Poles" and
    "Spirit Poles." They are like the magnetic poles of our Earth,
    attracting different energies.

    [Elmer Point: The poles are called 星極 (sei-kyoku) and 霊極 (rei-kyoku). The first means Star
    Pole and second means Spirit Pole. As Iwao said, "pole" refers to a
    magnetic pole, such as the North and South poles of Earth. These sound
    like Protocrystals, in that they serve as focus points for the energy of
    a particular element. The official names will most likely be
    different, though.]

    - What kind of effect will these
    elements have on the player?

    Okada: Each player will
    have their own strengths and weaknesses regarding each element. For
    example, one person could be particularly strong against Fire.

    - Is this decided upon during
    Character Creation?

    Sato: No, this aspect of
    the player will improve along with other stats, like HP, as they grow.
    Depending on how you raise your character, you could be a specialist
    against a certain type of element.

    Okada: If you are strong
    against Water, an enemy's water-based attacks won't hurt you so much.

    Iwao: Two Conjuerers also
    could specialize in separate elements. One could excel at Ice magic
    and the other at Fire, thus serving two separate roles.

    - This really heightens the
    individuality of players!

    Iwao: One could even
    decide to improve all elemental resistances equally, which would make
    them somewhat effective against all elements at the expense of
    specializing in none.

    - It would be funny to see cliques
    form between people who specialize in the same element.

    Sato: Like an Association
    of Fire-based Players (laughs). That just might happen.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159901

    Developer Comments

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159902Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159903



    Iwao: This is a class
    that can really excel at defense. They can equip a wide range of
    defensive equipment and even large shields! They will be called upon to
    protect party members by drawing the enemy attack towards themselves.

    Okada: As a class that
    excels with a shield, the Gladiator is like a "defender" job that is
    good at absorbing damage.

    Sato: Gladitor is offense
    and defense rolled into one -- a class that is good at taking hits and
    dishing out the damage. Because of its versatility, I see it becoming a
    popular class.

    Okada: One can choose
    between making slicing attacks or piercing attacks and that lets them
    employ some strategy towards giving their strikes the maximum effect.

    Iwao: You could say this
    is a class with an abundance of fighting styles.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159904Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159905



    Iwao: This class can use
    spears and lances to attack from a longer range and in a wider variety
    of styles. Besides normal attacks, Lancers can disrupt an enemy's
    movements and utilize other special attacks.

    Sato: Lancer attacks from
    a farther range than most melee classes and has a wider sphere of
    influence. They can easily adjust their position to help out back-end
    members that get into trouble.

    Iwao: Lancer is a class
    that receives a great effect from maintaining their sweet spot. They
    must always be checking their position relative to the enemy, as well as
    other party members. Strategicially, this is a class that is always on
    the move.

    Sato: This is a class
    that needs to consider many factors in a battle besides just what the
    enemy is doing.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159906Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159907



    Iwao: Despite their short
    reach and low defense, the Pugilist is a class that can really turn the
    tide of a battle with their tricky techniques. They will also employ a
    number of "stances" that will prove effective based on the condition of
    the enemy and the party.

    Sato: Stances will have a
    number of effects in battle. Offensive or Defensive -- the player has
    to assess the battle situation and decide which one they should select.

    Iwao: The more you
    maintain a single stance, the more that stance improves, opening up new
    things you can do with it. You can change your stance at whim, but if
    you do so, its strength reverts to normal. The player must consider
    when it is appropriate to maintain a stance and strengthen it, and when
    they must give up that power and switch for the benefit of the party.

    [Elmer Point: An assumption on my part,
    but I don't think this refers to giving up character growth, but rather
    temporary growth. As they mentioned before, they want you to consider
    your overall objective over individual encounters. So it's a question
    of "Can I maintain offensive stance and have it super buff for the
    boss? Or should I switch to defensive here so we can survive?" The
    stance improvement mentioned here sound temporary and independent from
    raising one's character.]

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159908Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159909



    Iwao: This is a class
    that can really deal out massive damage. However, if there are many
    enemies to deal with, they can forgo storing up that power in order to
    strike more often.

    Sato: Marauders use
    battle axes, which give them more attack power than any other class at
    the expense of some accuracy.

    Okada: While their
    special attacks are powerful, some require that the Marauder be
    stantionary while they activate. Due to this, a Marauder must be adept
    at reading an enemy's movements.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159910Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159911



    Iwao: More than anything,
    the Archer is a long-distance striker. From a range, they have to
    decide where to stand and what archery techniques to employ. Their
    defense is low, so if they catch the attention of the enemy, they could
    be in trouble. A good Archer needs to keep watch over the entire battle
    and adapt to the situation by firing off the most effective shots
    possible without incurring the wrath of the enemy.

    Sato: Archers have a
    variety of abilities that are effective at various distances from the
    enemy. Their job is to work out how they can best contribute to the

    Iwao: Arrow selection is
    also key. It's more than just choosing the arrow with the most damage,
    an Archer can also use arrows to effect the status of the enemy or even
    support their allies.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159912Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159913



    Iwao: A Conjurer is a
    Disciple of Magic who excels at manipulating the elements.

    Okada: This is a class
    that starts by assessing the condition of the party and the enemy and
    using that to consider which element to utilize in battle.

    Iwao: Attack magic,
    defense magic, healing magic -- a Conjurer has many different lines of
    spells to choose from. It's safe to say it's like an almighty
    magic-user that can serve as attack or support. Conjurers can also
    place magical effects on themselves that affect the area around them.

    [Elmer Point: This sounds like an AoE
    spell that follows the Conjurer around, as in everyone in range of the
    Conjurer gets a bonus while in range. Whether that's true or not wasn't

    Okada: By the way,
    actions you take in battle in FFXIV all accumulate TP, magic included.

    Sato: That's why there
    are some strong TP abilities prepared for Conjurer as well.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159914Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159915



    Iwao: Thaumaturgy is
    filled with spells that can cause status effects on the enemy as well as
    your party members. Their area of effect is fan-shaped [cone-shaped
    for you D&D'ers]
    and attack power high, so when compared with
    Conjurers, this class needs to get relatively close to the enemy for
    maximum effect.

    Sato: Basically,
    Thaumaturges have magic that does powerful damage. However, there also
    are great risks to balance this out. This is one particular area where
    we are waiting to hear feedback from the players.

    Iwao: The Thaumaturge
    also has several spells that can steal abilities from the enemy. The
    key is reading the flow of a battle and deciding what kind of spell
    would most effectively turn the tide in your favor.

    [Elmer Point: I would assume the
    Thaumaturge can cause *good* status effects on party member, though
    after reading about the "risks" involved, I'm not so sure.]

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159919Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159918


    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159917Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 159916

    採掘師 Miner
    Iwao: Blacksmiths are
    Disciples of the Hand who use metals to create and repair weapons and
    armor. Miners are Disciples of the Land who dig up ore. These classes
    will have very limited battle-related abilities, but may receive other
    things to compensate. For example, a Blacksmith may get an ability that
    enfeebles a gold-based enemy or one that increases the chances of
    having treasure drop.

    Last edited by Shu on Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Re: Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:25 pm

    Illusionist is a discipline of magic that controls strong, elemental
    sorcery through a power called "illusion." By examining their
    surroundings, they can see the flow of elements around them. Made from
    all-natural wood and materials, they use their "staff of illusions" (?)
    to change the elements around them into powerful magic. Their
    headquarters is in the Cave of the Tree of Meditation in Gridania.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2854%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Tools of the trade: Illusionist wands and staves
    Illusionists use wands and other magic items to control the elements.
    Many of them are made from natural wood, but the "twig wand" is the
    best example of this. The "Radical root staff," on the other hand, has a
    strange structure fixed to the end of it, which looks like it may have
    something to do with the use of "illusion."

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%282%29 Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2816%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Picture caption: Illusionists and the Elements

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%284%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    "Make allies of the elements of nature!"
    Elements: Lightning, Fire, Earth, Ice, Water, Wind
    Deepness: Chant spells fully and clearly (Casting takes longer but
    spells are stronger)
    Trance chant: Chant spells with fervor (Nothing
    can interrupt casting)
    Spirit bind: Cast spells in a hushed voice
    (Illusionist restricts himself, but MP use drops)
    Roaming soul: Cast
    spells by humming (Can cast spells while walking)
    Purge: Can see all
    elements infinitely and clearly (Equalize the elements of enemies and
    Weapon skills
    Fire: Fire damage to all enemies in range
    Cure: Restores the HP of
    all party members in range
    Protect: Raises the physical defense of
    all party members in range
    Shock spike: Lighting damage to enemies
    that attack the illusionist by a shield of lighting that surrounds him
    Ice damage over time to enemies in range
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Re: Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:26 pm


    - The Best Defense
    Gladiators are expert swordsmen, known for their
    battle prowess with blades of all designs: short and long, single- and
    double-edged, straight and curved. They favor combat at close range,
    where they masterfully execute a deadly array of hacks and slashes. The
    skill and pride of a gladiator instill such a confidence that they are
    said to never shun a fight.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2848%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    - Time-tested Lethality
    The gladius is an infantry sword of classic
    antiquity. Its relatively short, stout blade lends this weapon
    astonishing mobility and tensile strength. A testament to its
    performance in combat is the fact that it continues to be used in
    gladiatorial games of the present day.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2838%29 Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2839%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2831%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Re: Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:27 pm

    Lancer: Transformation Fighter
    This two-handed lance fighter has great reach and specializes in
    stabbing from long range. It is also special in that is can change to
    slicing and bludgeoning attacks just by changing their weapons. Pikes
    used to be very popular in this world, thanks to the influence of the
    strength of the pikemen of Ala Mhigo, but now there are many different
    types in use. For example, throwing javelins have also come into use for
    long-range combat.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2837%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2843%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery

    Gold Scepter(left), Long Staff(right)
    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2828%29 Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2834%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2844%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Re: Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:28 pm

    Pugilist Arms

    - To Bludgeon and Protect
    Himantes are widely known for their role as a
    regulation weapon in the officially sanctioned pugilist bouts of Ul'dah.
    The sinking surface is thick leather, slow-soaked in tallow for
    increased durability.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2850%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2817%29 Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2819%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2827%29
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Re: Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:29 pm

    Archer: Strong Wind Attacker
    This fighter focuses on using bow and arrows for attacking, and using
    this, they aim well and strike from afar. A strategic class, they must
    always choose the most advantageous positioning and the right type of
    arrow to aid them in battle. In Eorzea, the Elezen archer guards and
    Miqo'te traditional longbow hunters tend to belong to this job. There
    are also many that are good with stone throwing.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2851%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2820%29 Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2830%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2845%29
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Re: Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:30 pm

    Controllers of the destructive magic of "Thaumaturgy." Through the
    introspection of their true nature, they can call upon the power hidden
    deep in their heart. They call upon spiritual magic using wands and
    other tools fixed with decorations similar to rosaries seen in the
    Buddhist cultures. Their headquarters is a place of worship in Ul'dah.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2849%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Tools of the trade: Thaumaturgy
    These are the magical tools of the thaumaturge. They're a bit darker
    than the illusionist's…

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%286%29 Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%287%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Picture caption: Thaumaturge range
    Draw your enemies close, decimate them in one mighty, magic blow!

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%288%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Blood offering: Increases the power of their magic by giving your own
    blood (Stronger magic at the cost of your own HP)
    Thorns: Share your
    pain with the enemy (All damage done to you is also done to the enemy)
    seal: Focus your spirit (Increases magic accuracy)
    Initiation: Share
    your will with your allies (Shares magic effects on you with your
    Paradigm shift: Cast spells as if talking to someone (Lowers
    distance of the spell but widens range)
    Weapon Skill
    Drain: Absorb HP from enemies in range
    Gravity: Slows movement
    speed of enemies in range
    Sacrifice: Heal others at the cost of your
    own HP
    Syphomage: Take MP from defeated enemies
    Take your enemy's accuracy and make it your own
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Empty Re: Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11

    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:32 pm

    Marauders specialize in using great axes, which pirates use to attack
    enemy ships or during their pillage parties on land. Although stigma
    related to this pirate weapon still exists, there are also many heroes
    who have made a good name for themselves and this weapon by using it to
    great effect during wars and monster extermination. The axe cleaves
    through defenses; it destroys the shields of its foes and knocks its
    opponents out with powerful blows. The marauder also has access to
    throwing axes, like Franciscas, to use until the close the gap between
    them and their enemies.

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2862%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Tools of the trade: Axes
    The weight of the weapon
    is what gives it its destructive power in every blow. Information for
    two axes has been released this time: the double-edged type labrys and
    the single-edged war axe. I wonder what each of their strengths are in

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2814%29 Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2842%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Picture Caption: BOOM!

    Famitsu - Classes, Battle System & an Interview! 2010 March 11 Ff14_weapon%2829%29
    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Focus your strength! Turn the tables in your favor with one
    wide-reaching mighty blow!!

    Strengthen your thirst for battle with the blood of your enemy (Damage
    done on your next attack restores your HP)
    Powerful strike: Put the
    weight of the axe behind your blow to drop it in a mighty strike
    (Increases critical hit chance)
    Defender: Defend with your axe
    (Raises physical defense at the cost of attack)
    Disorient: Work up a
    dust cloud with your axe (Drops the enemy's evasion)
    march: Stomp steadily forward (Continue moving, although slowly, even if
    restrictive magic is cast on you)

    Weapon skill
    sunder: A strong, disorienting blow to the head (A slicing attack that
    leaves damage. Charging the skill widens its range)
    Stump splitter:
    An axe blow that could cleave a redwood in two (A slicing attack that is
    especially effective against plant-type enemies)
    Fracture: Grab an
    enemy's attack and prevent further big attacks (When used after
    deflecting an enemy's attack, does bludgeoning damage and disable's the
    enemy's weapon skills)
    Brandish: Cleave an area with your axe (Slash
    attack to all enemies in the surrounding area)
    Iron tempest: Make
    your axe sing like a whirlwind (A donut-shaped wind-elemental attack
    with you at the center)

    Developers' comments: Power over
    quantity, land that blow!

    I: This is a class who can change the flow of battle with a single,
    powerful hit. When there are a lot of enemies, though, they can still
    dish out a number of attacks without charging their power.
    S: Though
    they are more powerful than other classes, their axes' accuracy is much
    lower than other weapons.
    O: They'll also have to predict where their
    enemies will be and get into position early, because they have many
    attacks that must be used from a fixed position instead of moving

    Crafts metal into weapons and armor with the use of their tools,
    including the cross pen hammer. They shape swords in their forges and
    sharpen daggers in camps; they can work their craft at any time, in any
    place. Their arts have been passed down through a long history through
    an apprentice system. There are many styles, even such advanced ones as

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    Final Fantasy XIV Gallery
    Iron ingot: Make an iron ingot
    Sword guard: Makes a hand-guard for a sword. Uses iron ingot.
    Crafts a spata sword. Uses spata blade, sword grip, sword guard, and
    Pick: Makes a pick. Uses pick blade, pick pole, and grip
    Spiked Cuirass: An altered version of a labrys. Uses labrys
    and bronze ingot.

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    A discipline of land who specializes in drawing ore from the earth.
    Their main tool is the pick, and their most common customers are jewel
    crafters and blacksmiths. Well versed in the mining techniques of
    Ul'dah, miners can perform jobs from studying ore veins to construction
    and more. There are many miners that worship Oshuon, the wanderer,
    because of the way the land wanders in accordance with the tectonic

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    Gatherable materials
    Bronze ore
    Silver ore
    Saltpeter, used in things like gunpowder
    Little worms

    Last edited by Shu on Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:57 am; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 950
    Location : Canada
    IGN[Game NickName] : Saku, Sakura, Sakii, Reiss, Zulu
    Registration date : 2008-04-10

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    Post by Sakuragi Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:05 pm

    wow thanks for the hardwork man! Learnt a lot!!!! hehe my class choices from most favoured to least.

    the spell casters

    and I'm leaning towards wanting to be a blacksmith but hrmm...cooking could be more usefult in this game than in AION, since ou don't regen mp...ack decisions decisions.
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

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    IGN[Game NickName] : Ashura/Iori Yagami
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

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    Post by Shu Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:50 pm

    i going lance/Thaumaturge at the start at least

    need to learn that priest skill to absorb mp and some basic heal before i change to lance/pugilist

    but yeah i like the challenge of saving mp during battle.that means we cant just learn all class skills and just spam and auto win in battle lolz

    Number of posts : 950
    Location : Canada
    IGN[Game NickName] : Saku, Sakura, Sakii, Reiss, Zulu
    Registration date : 2008-04-10

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    Post by Sakuragi Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:07 pm

    lol yea it takes away from the spamming and really requires strategy and tactics so noobs won't be good. I assume there's a steep learning curve to get good but if you just wanna do w.e. then it should be good for those players as well.

    And yea that mp thing is a good idea but I need to hear more about the game's mechanics before I can settle with soemthing...cause of it's like c9 where it's action based (looks like that atm) then like I may just go archer and kite but I never thought about doing multiple classes lol even though I read you can choose w.e. class HAHA so I guess I'll go archer as primary and then like murauder as sec. and 3rd as some other class. Getting excited just thinking about it.

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