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    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM

    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
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    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2008-03-31

    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM Empty Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM

    Post by Shu Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:33 am

    Today marks a big turning point for Star Wars: The Old
    Republic with a partial lift of the embargo for members of the press and
    we here at MMORPG.com have a full slate of articles covering the
    Republic side and levels 1-15 today. Community Manager Mike Bitton has a
    comprehensive look at the overall beta (that we can write about!) that
    is a must read for any and all fans of SWTOR.

    In my various opportunities to play Star Wars: The Old Republic,
    I’ve never actually played on the Republic side of things, that is,
    until recently. You see, the kind folks over at BioWare finally allowed
    the press to sample Star Wars: The Old Republic for an extended period
    of time and within the comfort of our own homes, though we’ll only be
    looking at the Republic side of things this time around.

    As the team here divvied up our class assignments, I naturally jumped on the
    Trooper, which was the first class I wanted to play in Star Wars: The
    Old Republic before I found out there would be an Imperial Agent. Don’t
    get me wrong, I want to swing a lightsaber just as most of you do, but
    there is something cool about just being the guy (or gal, in this
    instance) with a (BIG) gun.

    Tell Me a Story
    I’m not going to get too specific on some story elements in order to avoid
    spoilers (though there may be some; you’ve been warned!), but I will
    touch on the various themes and experiences I played through along the
    way. Now, with that out of the way…

    Your story in Star Wars: The Old Republic begins just like any Star Wars film, with the Star Wars
    theme blaring as you’re treated to an opening crawl detailing the basic
    story of your chosen class. Once the crawl completes, the camera pans
    down into a space scene involving a starship, which is of course a nod
    to every Star Wars film made. If you’ve never noticed this, well, now
    you know.
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR1_t

    Troopers start out on the mountainous planet of Ord Mantell as a new member of
    the Republic special forces team Havoc Squad. The first minute or so
    involved my character being briefed on the situation on the ground by
    one of my fellow Havoc Squad members while riding aboard a Republic
    dropship. Things quickly take a turn for the worse as the dropship takes
    enemy fire, prompting the pilot to make an emergency landing. As the
    exit ramp opens, I am treated to a wide view of the war torn planet of
    Ord Mantell before I step out and put my boots firmly on the ground.

    Given the warm welcome, it’s pretty easy to tell things are going to get real
    pretty soon, and BioWare doesn’t disappoint. The soldiers I encountered
    on my way to the planet’s main Republic base all needed my help, and as
    they made their desperate pleas for assistance, there was no shortage
    of the sounds of blaster fire and explosions occurring nearby.

    The overall scope of the Trooper’s origin world story centers on the
    Republic’s struggle against a separatist movement on the planet and the
    danger of a stolen Republic bomb. Along the way, I participated in a
    variety of side quests involving assisting the local population or
    various members of the Republic military. The class story content and
    objectives were quite compelling, and the side quests felt fitting,
    though many of the actual objectives were fairly standard stuff. The
    addition of story really spices up the formula, however. I certainly
    can’t stress that enough. If I never see another text box, it wouldn’t
    be too soon!
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR2_t_t

    The game opened up a lot more once I left Ord Mantell (where I only saw
    other Troopers and Smugglers) and made my way to Coruscant. Before
    arriving on Coruscant, I traveled to the Carrick space station in the
    midst of the Republic fleet. This is the Republic social hub shown off
    during the TOR main panel at New York Comic-Con last week. The station
    is indeed filled with vendors, a cantina, class and crafting trainers,
    and a jump off point to launch Flashpoints. It was a pretty neat spot,
    but felt sort of inorganic. It almost felt like a bit of a shopping mall
    in space. Everything is neatly placed and organized in an intelligent
    and convenient fashion, which is great for gameplay purposes but really
    not much else.

    In order to head to Coruscant, I could opt to take a
    basic shuttle straight from the station to the planet or a VIP ship
    called The Esseles, which is a Flashpoint that would eventually bring me
    to Coruscant at the end. The basic story behind the Esseles is that an
    important Republic Ambassador is on board and one of the Sith Empire’s
    top brass is keen on capturing her. As members of the Republic, we’re
    obviously not interested in giving her up that easily (well, maybe), so
    this prompts the Imperial Moff to launch a boarding attack on the ship.
    The result is a fairly awesome dungeon crawl set up for four players to
    run through, participate in dialogue, and make important choices that
    directly affect the way certain parts of the Flashpoint play out. The
    Flashpoint was peppered with all manner of cinematic set pieces,
    especially the last boss fight, which was absolutely epic to say the
    least. It was a real hoot to play through it alongside other players.
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR3_t

    Dark vs. Light
    As I progressed through Ord Mantell and later Coruscant, my morality was
    challenged in many different ways, often forcing me to choose between
    making pragmatic but cold decisions when having to weigh the needs of
    the Republic vs. being compassionate to the struggling local population.
    In one example, I had to return an AWOL doctor to the Republic and he
    wouldn’t budge unless we evacuated the many orphans he’d taken under his
    care as well. I made the call to not expend unnecessary Republic
    resources securing the whole group, and instead opted to just rescue the
    doctor. In another instance, a desperate local stole Republic medical
    supplies, and I had to threaten her with violence towards a child
    (gasp!) in order to fess up the location of the supplies. I had the
    choice of being the compassionate sort and giving the supplies to the
    locals or doing my duty and returning the supplies to my fellow soldiers
    who needed them just as badly. These are generally the sorts of choices
    you make as a Trooper.

    Other choices tended to test my moral compass in terms of how I would react to questionable behavior by my
    fellow brothers-in-arms or whether I was open to taking bribes. I felt
    the type of situations I was put in as a Trooper, and the choices I was
    offered, really helped make the experience feel authentic. There are
    many mature, hard choices to make here. The grunt on the ground has a
    lot of freedom to do things without his superiors knowing (think Mass
    Effect’s Shepard), and it’s up to you to decide what you do with that
    freedom. It’s not as simple as whether you feel like being sadistic
    enough to Force Choke or Force Lightning some poor sap because he’s
    giving you lip.

    I was frequently faced with multifaceted choices
    that really got me thinking about what I’m doing and what the best
    course of action is. I often found myself both surprised and impressed
    with the writing of the content when it came to moral choices on the
    Trooper. It’s really telling when I go into a situation with my mind
    made up on what choice I’m going to make and only to be convinced by an
    NPC to reconsider the implications of my actions against my actual
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR4_t

    The Gal with the Gun
    Before I get into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about the Trooper’s basic play
    style for a moment. On a basic level, the Trooper uses an ammo resource
    system where each ability uses a certain amount of ammunition (except
    for your first ability, which can be spammed) and you’ll have access to a
    wide gamut of blaster shots and ordnance, ranging from rifle-fired
    rockets to sticky bombs, to riddling your enemies in a barrage of fully
    automatic fire. Ammo can be reloaded in combat using a certain ability,
    but the ability is on a lengthy cooldown so it isn’t meant to be used
    willy-nilly. Otherwise, ammo regenerates in combat on its own.

    Later,(as in level 10) the Trooper can choose between the Vanguard and
    Commando Advanced Classes, which open up entirely new avenues of
    gameplay options. Both Advanced Classes can specialize in damage-based
    roles, but between the two, only the Vanguard can fulfill the tank role
    and only the Commando can play the medic. In a DPS role, the Vanguard
    sticks to medium to close range (including melee) abilities and makes
    use of a blaster rifle. The Commando, on the other hand, walks around
    with a gigantic sort of blaster minigun. I’m personally interested in
    the Vanguard, but I took some inspiration from Brick of Reilly’s Rangers
    in Fallout 3 and thought the idea of a chick wielding a giant minigun
    sounded cool so I went with the Commando.

    Leveling the Trooper up to 10 was honestly not as satisfying as I’d hoped, as I felt reliant on
    an ability called Explosive Round to do the most of my damage. It’s
    basically a rifle fired explosive that does a ton of damage and serves
    as kind of the bread-and-butter of my attack chain.
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR5_t

    Then I unlocked Commando and received my assault cannon.
    Let’s just say that if you enjoyed mowing down people in Fallout with a
    minigun or love the feeling of the Heavy in Team Fortress 2, the
    Commando really doesn’t disappoint. The whole dynamic of the Trooper
    gameplay immediately changed once I became a Commando, transforming me
    into a walking harbinger of death and destruction, able to clear entire
    rooms with sweeping hails of blaster fire and ordnance. I’m being
    literal here. There were times when I’d walk into a large room filled
    with enemies and between myself and my companion (who also wields an
    autocannon), we’d honestly just blow the whole thing up. There is
    something seriously satisfying about pumping unrelenting high speed
    blaster bolts into some poor guy's chest and watching him convulse like
    Chunk doing the truffle-shuffle in The Goonies. The few enemies who
    managed to survive the blaster fire and run up to my face were often
    treated to an awesome cone lightning attack from the end of my weapon
    that felt incredibly satisfying and was also visually appealing with
    some wicked particle effects.

    If for some reason they managed to survive, I could beat them in the
    face with the business end of my cannon or detonate a Concussive Charge
    to get anyone around me out of my face.

    Brothers in Arms

    Companions in The Old Republic seem to ‘just work’. So far, they seem pretty
    intelligent in combat, with the exception of the cone lightning attack I
    mentioned earlier. My first companion also gets this attack and if I
    set him to use it in combat on his own, he will often fire it off when
    the enemy is way out of range. But hey, that’s beta for you, right?
    Otherwise, he used all his abilities in an intelligent manner and I
    could even switch him into different modes (focused on single target vs.
    AE damage). My companion levels up alongside me and also learns new
    abilities just as I do. Companion abilities can easily be set to be
    auto-used or disabled by the companion AI and I could even pop out my
    companion’s hotbar if I wanted to manually execute his abilities.
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR6_t

    Outside of combat, companions perform the vast majority of crafting tasks in
    Star Wars: The Old Republic. Crafting in Star Wars: The Old Republic is
    called Crew Skills, mainly because these skills aren’t all necessarily
    what you would normally think of as crafting. True, there are a variety
    of gathering and crafting skills to pick up, but there are also mission
    skills, which most closely resemble Final Fantasy Tactics’ Errands
    system. The only thing my character could do involving Crew Skills was
    to actively gather resources from nodes out in the world, but even then I
    could shift+click the node to have my companion run to it and do it
    himself. Otherwise, Crew Skills are entirely time-based, where the
    player sends the companion out to perform a task or queued up series of
    tasks such as craft one or several items, or go out on a mission to find
    certain resources. I didn’t really craft much of anything during my
    play, but I really enjoyed Slicing as a Crew Skill. Slicing basically
    allowed me to hack a variety of objects in the world and retrieve sealed
    boxes that can be opened, each containing credits or even an item. The
    boxes come in various rarities as well. I’ve found anything from lumps
    of credits to rare item modifications. It’s a fun distraction that kind
    of made me feel like I was playing the lottery, especially if I sent my
    companion out on a Slicing mission. He’d come back with a box and I’d
    open it hoping for some good stuff.

    Let’s Play Huttball!

    I wasn’t able to take part in any sort of World PvP during my play, but I
    did get a chance to mess around with the game’s Warzones. Warzones are
    your typical instanced PvP content akin to World of Warcraft’s
    Battlegrounds or Warhammer Online’s Scenarios, though Warzones in Star
    Wars: The Old Republic are considerably more story-focused. The
    cinematic approach to PvE content in the game is also clearly visible in
    the game’s PvP. Currently, you can’t begin queuing for a Warzone until
    you’re level 10, but this wasn’t a huge deal. BioWare has three Warzones
    planned for launch: the Alderaan Warzone (capture-and-hold), Huttball
    (think space football – with guns, lightsabers, and deathtraps!), and
    the Void Star (attack/defend). For the purposes of this preview, we’ll
    be looking at Huttball and the Alderaan Warzone.
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR7_t

    Huttball was easily my least favorite of the available Warzones, not because it
    isn’t polished or anything like that, but because it is far more reliant
    on teamwork than Alderaan is. Teamwork is fine and dandy, this is an
    MMO after all, but Huttball just requires it in such a way I feel it may
    be prohibitive to playing in a solo queue, though I feel it has tons of
    potential to be fun in group queue. In Huttball, the goal is to
    basically grab the ball at the center and carry it into the enemy team’s
    endzone. Along the way the enemy team will of course be trying to stop
    you and there are many deathtraps such as acid pits and flame vents that
    can really mess you up. The ball itself can be passed to other
    teammates (and intercepted along the way, I believe) and that’s where
    the problem comes in. Hardly anyone passes the ball. Either they don’t
    know they can pass or they simply stubbornly trudge on even when another
    teammate is in a better position (you know, without the entire enemy
    team on top of him). The match ends after about 10 to 15 minutes but it
    doesn’t matter how things are going, because you have to wait for the
    time to be up. If you’re losing terribly, you’re still stuck there for
    the entire duration of the match. I don’t need to hang around for 15
    minutes to know that I lost when it’s 7-0. Sometimes it just goes badly
    for any one reason or another and it would be awesome if the game mode
    took that into account.

    Alderaan, on the other hand, has none of
    these issues. Alderaan is a straightforward capture-and-hold PvP map
    where both sides are vying for a turret placed in the center as well as
    turrets on the east and west sides of the map. Controlling turrets
    causes them to fire into the opposing team’s ship depleting its health.
    The more turrets you hold, the faster the enemy ship is taken down, and
    the ship visibly takes damage as it is it hit, eventually even catching
    fire and crashing into the ground at the end of the match.
    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM SWTOR8_t

    PvP was just as visceral as it felt months ago when I sampled it in San
    Francisco, playing a dual-wielding melee Sith Marauder. Unlike the
    Marauder, as a Commando I was definitely looking to keep people at
    range. Early on, Commandos don’t have a terribly vast amount of
    crowd-control to apply, so it was sometimes a challenge keeping enemies
    off me, but if I got a chance to really lay into a clump of players, the
    fireworks were truly fun to watch.

    It’s a Trap – I Mean Wrap!

    Overall, I had a great time playing the Trooper and the game seems to have come
    quite a long way since my trip back in April. The biggest thing to worry
    about at this point isn’t whether or not Star Wars: The Old Republic
    will be fun, but what friggin’ class to go through with on your first
    go-around! I realize many of you out there (including myself) are
    possibly settled on what class they want to play – but honestly, if you
    try out the other classes, you will probably end up pretty conflicted.

    While I’ve always looked forward to playing the Trooper, I actually found the
    experience to top my expectations. Not only am I left conflicted on
    what I want to play, I’m not even sure what Advanced Class I’d want to
    play if I did end up switching over to the Trooper. I’ve been all about
    the Vanguard from the moment I heard about it, but man is that
    auto-cannon addictive. Give it a spin (pardon the pun) yourself if you
    get the chance and you may be surprised!

    Number of posts : 111
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Botak Jones
    Current Status : Busy at Work
    Registration date : 2010-11-10

    Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM Empty Re: Full Beta Review Impression from MMORPG.COM

    Post by 8800 Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:24 am

    Looking good

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