This is how the galaxy ends: not with a wimper, but with a mighty bang.
At least, that's what
SOE hopes as
Star Wars Galaxies' devs map out the final few months for this sunsetting MMO. Instead of
weeping into a glass of strange blue milk, the team is issuing a
challenge to the Imperials or Rebels. The stakes?
The fate of the galaxy, once and for all.
SOE is ramping up the Galactic Civil War in the game, by adding new
events and opportunities to win points for your respective side. The
Civil War got a little bigger
with the recent GU20 update that put the war footing on an interplanetary scale.
At some point before the December 15th shutdown, the game will tally up
the score and determine who won -- for all time. Depending on which side
comes out victorious, the ending of the game itself will change. If
you're a neutral party, don't worry; SOE is making sure that you can
participate in shutdown events as well.
Take note, as only players that subscribe or have an account in good
standing prior to September 15th can participate in this final battle,
since registration -- and game charges -- will cease after that date.