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    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)


    Number of posts : 571
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    IGN[Game NickName] : Forseti, Cadexn
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    Registration date : 2009-01-17

    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi  (That's 22nd of august) Empty 4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)

    Post by Forseti Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:26 pm

    GamesCom 2009 Interview With Tanaka Hiromichi and Sage Sundi

    4Gamer: Thank you for
    meeting with us today. Please let us start right away because I think
    I’m not on time. FFXI has been in service for 8 years now; the online
    gaming environment has change a lot since then. When developing FFXIV
    has there been certain care taken in regards to the future of online
    gaming? Are there things you learned from the past?

    Tanaka: When I first began developing FFXI
    the mainstream was single-core computers but soon after the release
    multi-core processors were released and became the standard in
    computers. With FFXIV, however, we are thinking ahead and plan to
    include support for multi-core and multi-threading technologies from
    the start.

    4Gamer: Besides the
    evolution of technology there is the issue that the game will be on
    both the PC and a console. The console can’t be upgraded where as the
    PC can always be upgraded and with improvements to the game this can
    cause issues. How do you plan to adapt to this?

    Tanaka: What machine the client uses
    doesn’t really matter. What matters is the server which is giving the
    information. You want most of the work being done on the server side.
    For example, a TV station can broadcast to a black and white TV or a
    color TV, but if the signal doesn’t get sent then no one gets anything.
    Therefore, the most important thing to have is a stable server and this
    is the most difficult part.

    4Gamer: I see.

    Tanaka: So this means that we wouldn’t
    have to make a server that works on each machine. That would be like
    working on another MMO at the same time.

    4Gamer: By the way, how will billing work? At E3 there was word of anniversary billing.

    Tanaka: I feel that anniversary billing is
    the best approach. We are unlikely to use “Micro-transactions.” We
    decided that it is cheaper for players and they are able to play longer
    as a result. On average an item can run up to $4-$5 using

    Sundi: With micro-transactions I think
    that players will buy everything they want, collecting a large bill,
    then quit because there is nothing else to get. I want players to have
    a lasting enjoyment instead.

    4Gamer: Will there be the possibility of purchasing additional services?

    Sundi: We may want to have option services
    like server transfers or options for players to purchase. These things
    were not added until 3 or 4 years after the launch of FFXI.

    4Gamer: The basis of FFXI’s income would be from anniversary payments then but do you feel that buyable items would be a possibility?

    Tanaka: That would be the basis for FFXI
    but for now we have no plans for selling items. The possibility of
    losing players is higher if we did. When people don’t want to keep
    spending lots of money then will stop playing. With the anniversary
    payments we get a consistent payment and it is better for the players
    as well as the long term life of the game.

    4Gamer: Right now there is
    truly a “war” between MMO players and the developers because of the
    rapid consumption of content. There are different approaches to
    battling this issue, what is FFXIV going to do?

    Tanaka: The Guildleave system is really a
    pillar in the game. This is content that can be played many times
    repeatedly unlike traditional quests where you do them once and they
    are gone. We want to look into how players use the system. In FFXI the
    users would sometimes inject their play style into the game and the
    system would bend and shape into something new and unexpected. I hope
    to see this same thing happen once again and our developers may be able
    to make the game even bated based on how the players enjoy it.

    4Gamer: With FFXIV coming out will FFXI still be worked on simultaneously?

    Tanaka: Yes it will be. I have divided the
    teams up onto different floors and they are assigned to their
    respective games but the work will not be combined.

    4Gamer: When FFXI was
    being developed it was said that you yourself did most of the work
    including some of the text and UI. What is your part going to be here
    with FFXIV?

    Tanaka: This time around I will be taking
    a more Hands off approach. When making FFXI I felt that it was faster
    to do things myself rather than take the time to explain what I wanted.

    All: *laughs*

    4Gamer: Won’t it get frustrating if you can’t do it for yourself?

    Tanaka: Sometimes you have to stand back
    and let the younger guys figure it out. If I don’t allow them to then
    they can’t become the next generation of great developers.

    4Gamer: There isn’t much time left so I’d like to hear more about how the game works.

    Sundi: When targeting a mob the “action
    menu” comes up at the bottom of the screen and this is where you
    perform actions. The more you use a weapon, the stronger you get, and
    the more skills learn with that weapon. You can set these abilities in
    the action menu and activate them during battle. If you want you can
    also register multiple abilities with macros.

    4Gamer: Now, when you change your weapon the role of your character will change along with the action menu?

    Tanaka: Yes, for example if you were to equip a wand then your magic commands will come up.

    4Gamer: How does the player use these commands?

    Tanaka: First you have to store up the
    action gauge. If you select a command before the gauge is ready it will
    activate once the gauge is filled. There is also a power gauge, this
    increases the strength and accuracy of your techniques.

    4Gamer: Then a player can choose to use a powerful attack over and over again?

    Tanaka: If you keep using the same attack
    the monster will start to predict your actions and it will become
    harder to land that attack again. The best way to defeat a monster is
    to combine different techniques.

    4Gamer: Are you able to switch weapons during battle?

    Tanaka: No, you have to do that out of combat.

    Sundi: In Final Fantasy XI, one had to return to their Mog House in order to switch jobs, but players in
    Eorzea can do it anywhere they please, though you can’t in battle.

    4Gamer: Ah, I see. This
    would allow more flexibility for the player because they don’t have to
    wait for parties. Your role isn’t fixed so it offers a variety of play.

    Tanaka: I don’t want players to have to be
    a fixed job. The idea is for people to be able to solo or find a party.
    They can do what they want.

    4player: As a player yourself, what do you think the play style would be?

    Tanaka: When adventuring solo or with
    small groups, players need to acquire a number of different skills and
    abilities to be able to survive. I hope this will create a rich variety
    of players and really make each character unique.

    4Gamer: Will this be doable when you chose to mainly solo?

    Tanaka: Truthfully, the player’s growth can come a bit slower when they focus mainly on solo adventuring.

    Sundi: Getting a party and working
    together will help you improve faster but there can be negative and
    positive sides to both aspects.

    4gamer: Now, let me focus on Guildleave. Will they be different from person to person?

    Sundi: Yes they will be different.
    Guildleave is at the heart of FFXIV and comes in many different forms.
    Now types will continually be added through version updates.

    Tanaka: The development team is working to create a large amount of content for the Guildleaves.

    4gamer: Can you tell us more specifics on the Guildleaves?

    Tanaka: Right now I am not able to tell
    you much more. But there is an upper limit to the number of guildleave
    one player can aquire at a time. If you want to play beyond that, you
    may have to help other players with their Guildleaves.

    Sundi: Players can freely aid each other
    on quests and it is possible to do so even if one player doesn’t
    possess the particular Guildleave. Other specifics are still a secret.

    4gamer: I see, there are still many other mysteries. But we could see some things form the screenshot we
    got of one.

    Tanaka: Yes, there are some quests that will take less than 30 minutes to complete and some that will take up to a couple days.

    4gamer: So the player can decide how they want to paly.

    Tanaka: It’s made to not exclude the less
    casual players. Guildleave is all about customizing the game for the
    players own style of play.

    4gamer: So this system will assure that everyone can have fun.

    4gamer: The races have already been announced, but is there a possibility of more being announced?

    Tanaka: Ahh-- *laughs* (Tanaka sidesteps
    the question) Players can customize their skin, eyes, hair-style and
    face. You can also choose a faction with each race. For example, the
    Miqo’te can choose from the Seekers of the Sun or the Keepers of the

    4gamer: So this will create differences in the races?

    Tanaka: Not right now. In the future they may be things to differentiate the factions.

    4gamer: Is your starting location dependent on your race?

    Tanaka: No, you can choose to start wherever you would like.

    4gamer: In FFXI plauers were offered special rings depending on their hometown, for example players from Bastok got a unique ring.

    Tanaka: It won’t be like that; this time I
    want everyone to start on the same level with a fresh start. That way
    it won’t influence choices in race or town.

    4gamer: Will there be differences between the races?

    Tanaka: There won’t be any significant
    differences between the races. All races can learn the same skills and
    abilities, but there may be other slight differences to make them

    4gamer: Because they are so equal, is there the possibility of PvP?

    Tanaka: PvE is the focus in FFXIV. If PvP
    elements are added then they will be in the form of a sport or game
    like FFXI. We decided early on to not have PvP.

    4gamer: I’m sorry, there is no time to lose! But quickly can you tell us about the camera view?

    Tanaka: Now the camera is set on
    third-person from behind the character but we are looking at having a
    third-person shooter style shoulder camera and a first-person camera.

    4gamer: Over the shoulder is quite unusual in an MMO.

    Tanaka: We actually have heard complaints about the camera being
    positioned behind the character saying that it makes it difficult to
    see what is in front of you so we wanted to address that.

    4gamer: Is there one last think you would like to say to the readers quickly?

    Tanaka: I’m happy to have been able to
    meet so many fans and gather their opinions on our work so far and I
    hope to have more chances in the future to do this again.

    MakaiTenshi- Translations, presentaion


    Remember to visit the source site, although in japanese, to see some pictures.

    Number of posts : 571
    Location : Singapore
    IGN[Game NickName] : Forseti, Cadexn
    Current Status : Active
    Registration date : 2009-01-17

    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi  (That's 22nd of august) Empty Re: 4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)

    Post by Forseti Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:34 pm

    That would be the basis for FFXI but for now we have no plans for
    selling items. The possibility of losing players is higher if we did.
    When people don’t want to keep spending lots of money then will stop

    nope, no item mall.

    4Gamer: Now, when you change your weapon the role of your character will change along with the action menu?

    Tanaka: Yes, for example if you were to equip a wand then your magic commands will come up.


    Yes, there are some quests that will take less than 30 minutes to complete and some that will take up to a couple days.

    FINALLY, quests that are actually QUESTS!

    Unfortunately, PvP will not be a big part of the game.

    Marlboro! RAWR
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

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    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi  (That's 22nd of august) Empty Re: 4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)

    Post by Shu Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:18 am

    ya i like the long quests part.

    real quests finally that is suppose to be a journey and not those that can be completed fast heh

    i envisioned we need those quests will have many quests parts linking it to a larger quests and will branch into different quests depending on which route u pick and what reply u give to npc which in turn give out different items as rewards depending on the path u choose heh.

    in short this will be like epic quests ^^
    The Almighty Banana
    The Almighty Banana

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    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi  (That's 22nd of august) Empty Re: 4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)

    Post by Snow Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:44 am

    o_0 Stop even questioning pvp in FF hehe

    Those guys are carebears rawr, (We want to prevent any kind of player harassment).

    The best you can expect is an arena type of fight.

    Nevertheless, the pve content of FF games are so huge, you won't miss any of the pvp lmao. And if you really want some pvp action on the side, Guild Wars II will be buy to play, so you can have an account there on the side, without extra fees.
    High Priestess
    High Priestess

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    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi  (That's 22nd of august) Empty Re: 4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)

    Post by Buffie Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:30 am

    4Gamer: Then a player can choose to use a powerful attack over and over again?

    Tanaka: If you keep using the same attack
    the monster will start to predict your actions and it will become
    harder to land that attack again. The best way to defeat a monster is
    to combine different techniques.

    AI mobs! That sounds freaky awesome lol
    The Almighty Banana
    The Almighty Banana

    Number of posts : 6807
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    IGN[Game NickName] : Snow, Nuts, Nut, Snowball, Splash, Snowy
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    Registration date : 2008-06-02

    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi  (That's 22nd of august) Empty Re: 4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)

    Post by Snow Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:49 am

    Uhh I hope they make it that the same mob will get smarter, not that it's counted for same type.

    Like if ya poke 20 rats the 21th will become a super rat that you can't hit at all anymore lol
    Celestial Council
    Celestial Council

    Number of posts : 10794
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    4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi  (That's 22nd of august) Empty Re: 4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi (That's 22nd of august)

    Post by Shu Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:55 am

    well no auto attack in this version.so much harder for gold farmers to farm here hehe

    i hope they consider a system like smt.where the mobs random spawn and have different mobs day and night zone with nite zone mobs more dangerous so if cant farm too many at same place without moving

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