Personal Information
Real Name: Damian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Location: Canada
Game Information
What Game Are you Joining our guild from?: FF14
In-Game Name: Kitsune Kazuto
Class & Level: Gladiator level 1
Official Game Forums Name: Never used the ff14 forums so i dont know.
Gaming Experience in which mmorpg: New to ff14.
Have you been in any other guilds previously? (If yes, which ones?): No.
Reason for interest in our Guild and, what do you expect from joining Aetherius: I had originally joined because i found this guild on a RP website, but i found out that not much RP happens here apparently. So i don't really know what to expect.
How did you hear about us? (If someone referred you please name the referrer): post on FFiv-roleplayers
How often do you play weekly?: I'm gonna be playing quite a few hours each day.
What can you offer to the guild? (Note: it can be anything ranging from skills such as graphic design, making videos, programming, etc. to in-game pvp excellence or crafting): I can offer my charisma and ability to learn and focus.
Are you willing to contribute to the guild?: I am willing to contribute time and effort.
Technical Information
Do you have and use a Microphone? Yes
Do you know what RaidCall is, and if yes, will you use it? Yes i have/used it.
(Note: Our guild will may require a player to use raidcall in certain instances)
Do you prefer to lurk on forums, or actively participate? I do a bit of both. If i see something i know i can be part of i participate.
Optional Information
Do you have Skype? (if so please provide contact info): yes. Damian.Lamanteer
What kind of personality are you? I'm outgoing, charismatic and creative. But I can sometimes be hot headed.
Do you read or speak any other language?: I'm attempting to learn binary... does that count?
Anything else you would like us to know?: I'm fresh to the game still!
Real Name: Damian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Location: Canada
Game Information
What Game Are you Joining our guild from?: FF14
In-Game Name: Kitsune Kazuto
Class & Level: Gladiator level 1
Official Game Forums Name: Never used the ff14 forums so i dont know.
Gaming Experience in which mmorpg: New to ff14.
Have you been in any other guilds previously? (If yes, which ones?): No.
Reason for interest in our Guild and, what do you expect from joining Aetherius: I had originally joined because i found this guild on a RP website, but i found out that not much RP happens here apparently. So i don't really know what to expect.
How did you hear about us? (If someone referred you please name the referrer): post on FFiv-roleplayers
How often do you play weekly?: I'm gonna be playing quite a few hours each day.
What can you offer to the guild? (Note: it can be anything ranging from skills such as graphic design, making videos, programming, etc. to in-game pvp excellence or crafting): I can offer my charisma and ability to learn and focus.
Are you willing to contribute to the guild?: I am willing to contribute time and effort.
Technical Information
Do you have and use a Microphone? Yes
Do you know what RaidCall is, and if yes, will you use it? Yes i have/used it.
(Note: Our guild will may require a player to use raidcall in certain instances)
Do you prefer to lurk on forums, or actively participate? I do a bit of both. If i see something i know i can be part of i participate.
Optional Information
Do you have Skype? (if so please provide contact info): yes. Damian.Lamanteer
What kind of personality are you? I'm outgoing, charismatic and creative. But I can sometimes be hot headed.
Do you read or speak any other language?: I'm attempting to learn binary... does that count?
Anything else you would like us to know?: I'm fresh to the game still!