Personal Information
Real Name: Benoit
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Location: Ontario, Canada
Game Information
What Game Are you Joining our guild from? I'm currently not in a guild, I thought joining this network would be a good start for FFXIV.
In-Game Name: I will have to create a new character on Gilgamesh server. TBD.
Class & Level: TBD.
Official Game Forums Name: N/A
Gaming Experience in which mmorpg: Listed in my profile.
Have you been in any other guilds previously? (If yes, which ones?): The last guild I joined was "Mercs" in Darkfall over 2 years ago now.
Reason for interest in our Guild and, what do you expect from joining Aetherius: At first look, your guild's display and presentation are very well done and to me it speaks a lot about the efforts put into your organization.
I'm looking forward to join a mature group of gamers with which I wish to experience everything FFXIV as to offer and hopefully other subsequent games.
How did you hear about us? (If someone referred you please name the referrer):
How often do you play weekly?: I'm military, it will depend.
What can you offer to the guild?: I have a significant amount of experience raiding (both leading and following), countless hours of MMO gaming experience, always willing to help and do his share of the work.
Are you willing to contribute to the guild?: I am.
Technical Information
Do you have and use a Microphone? Yes.
Do you know what Ventrilo is, and if yes, will you use it? Yes.
(Note: Our guild will require you to use ventrilo during wars)
Do you prefer to lurk on forums, or actively participate? Both I guess.
Optional Information
Do you have MSN? (if so please provide contact info): I haven't used MSN in forever but I would again if it was required of me.
Do you read or speak any other language?: English and French.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application.
Real Name: Benoit
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Location: Ontario, Canada
Game Information
What Game Are you Joining our guild from? I'm currently not in a guild, I thought joining this network would be a good start for FFXIV.
In-Game Name: I will have to create a new character on Gilgamesh server. TBD.
Class & Level: TBD.
Official Game Forums Name: N/A
Gaming Experience in which mmorpg: Listed in my profile.
Have you been in any other guilds previously? (If yes, which ones?): The last guild I joined was "Mercs" in Darkfall over 2 years ago now.
Reason for interest in our Guild and, what do you expect from joining Aetherius: At first look, your guild's display and presentation are very well done and to me it speaks a lot about the efforts put into your organization.
I'm looking forward to join a mature group of gamers with which I wish to experience everything FFXIV as to offer and hopefully other subsequent games.
How did you hear about us? (If someone referred you please name the referrer):
How often do you play weekly?: I'm military, it will depend.
What can you offer to the guild?: I have a significant amount of experience raiding (both leading and following), countless hours of MMO gaming experience, always willing to help and do his share of the work.
Are you willing to contribute to the guild?: I am.
Technical Information
Do you have and use a Microphone? Yes.
Do you know what Ventrilo is, and if yes, will you use it? Yes.
(Note: Our guild will require you to use ventrilo during wars)
Do you prefer to lurk on forums, or actively participate? Both I guess.
Optional Information
Do you have MSN? (if so please provide contact info): I haven't used MSN in forever but I would again if it was required of me.
Do you read or speak any other language?: English and French.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application.