Jaws eating me
My Wife and I playing (trying to teach her to play) You'll knowtice the {Aeth} tag aswell. I made an Aetherius Network guild on Vasburg server to test it out.
My pet Dog... Looked like someone famous so i named him ScoobyDoo!
My Son Nitephyre and I owning up some random pvp arena :)
My Huge 2handed Sword
Sheep??? Guess real sheep were copyrited??
few randoms
My Wife and I playing (trying to teach her to play) You'll knowtice the {Aeth} tag aswell. I made an Aetherius Network guild on Vasburg server to test it out.
My pet Dog... Looked like someone famous so i named him ScoobyDoo!
My Son Nitephyre and I owning up some random pvp arena :)
My Huge 2handed Sword
Sheep??? Guess real sheep were copyrited??
few randoms