Three Thousand Years before the rise of Darth Vader...
The Galactic Republic stood for generations as a bastion of peace in a galaxy of warring star systems. Protected by its stalwart Jedi guardians, the Republic held the greatest hope for the progress of civilization and galactic unity.
Deep in unknown space, however, a mighty Sith Empire was forged, led by dark Sith Lords who dreamt of galactic domination and vengeance against their ancient Jedi enemies. After centuries of preparation, the time came for the Sith to make their return.
With a massive fleet and an awe-inspiring army of fearless troops, the
Sith Emperor launched a surprise assault, quickly capturing dozens of
worlds in the Outer Rim, and sparking a war unlike any other in the
galaxy’s history.
From the frozen wastes of Ilum
to the desert plains of Dathomir, violent battles killed untold
millions. Despite its avowed neutrality, surface structures on the
water-covered world of Manaan were completely destroyed, forcing the Selkath
to retreat to their ocean underworld. Other star systems fared
worse—some destroyed, others left uninhabitable. The carnage concluded
with the Sith Empire sacking the Republic's capital planet of Coruscant and forcing the Republic Senate into the controversial Treaty of Coruscant.
In the years since the treaty, fear and uncertainty have gripped the
galaxy, enabling the Sith Emperor to pursue his own mysterious purposes
while the Republic has made efforts to rebuild its infrastructure and adjust military priorities to the new galactic landscape.
Now, tensions between the Republic and the Empire
are running high, and a series of border skirmishes and proxy wars have
broken out, even on planets as historically peaceful as Alderaan.
The uneasy truce established by the Treaty of Coruscant is quickly
tearing apart at the seams, and a return to all-out war has begun in all
but official terms.
A new generation of heroes, both light and dark, emerges to face the
difficulties of these chaotic times, and fight for the fate of the
galaxy in this most desperate age.
Related Links:
Chronicles of the Old Republic
Timeline (Videos)
A Golden Age for the Republic |
The onslaught of the Sith Empire |
The sacking of Coruscant |
A new generation of heroes |
The Galactic Republic stood for generations as a bastion of peace in a galaxy of warring star systems. Protected by its stalwart Jedi guardians, the Republic held the greatest hope for the progress of civilization and galactic unity.
Deep in unknown space, however, a mighty Sith Empire was forged, led by dark Sith Lords who dreamt of galactic domination and vengeance against their ancient Jedi enemies. After centuries of preparation, the time came for the Sith to make their return.
With a massive fleet and an awe-inspiring army of fearless troops, the
Sith Emperor launched a surprise assault, quickly capturing dozens of
worlds in the Outer Rim, and sparking a war unlike any other in the
galaxy’s history.
From the frozen wastes of Ilum
to the desert plains of Dathomir, violent battles killed untold
millions. Despite its avowed neutrality, surface structures on the
water-covered world of Manaan were completely destroyed, forcing the Selkath
to retreat to their ocean underworld. Other star systems fared
worse—some destroyed, others left uninhabitable. The carnage concluded
with the Sith Empire sacking the Republic's capital planet of Coruscant and forcing the Republic Senate into the controversial Treaty of Coruscant.
In the years since the treaty, fear and uncertainty have gripped the
galaxy, enabling the Sith Emperor to pursue his own mysterious purposes
while the Republic has made efforts to rebuild its infrastructure and adjust military priorities to the new galactic landscape.
Now, tensions between the Republic and the Empire
are running high, and a series of border skirmishes and proxy wars have
broken out, even on planets as historically peaceful as Alderaan.
The uneasy truce established by the Treaty of Coruscant is quickly
tearing apart at the seams, and a return to all-out war has begun in all
but official terms.
A new generation of heroes, both light and dark, emerges to face the
difficulties of these chaotic times, and fight for the fate of the
galaxy in this most desperate age.
Related Links:
Chronicles of the Old Republic
Timeline (Videos)