Megaten Item Keys Giveaway
We’re bringing readers Item Keys to redeem items in Shin
Megami Tensei: Imagine Online. There are a limited quantity, so you
need to act fast to redeem it!
About Megaten
Continuing the popular Japanese console series Shin Megami Tensei,
MegaTen brings exciting new twists to the MMORPG genre! Set in a
post-apocalyptic Japan, the world is populated by Demons; creatures
from multicultural mythology, both friend and foe to the human race.
Choose your alignment and face your destiny as a Demon Buster alongside
your newfound allies!
To get your prize you have to follow these instructions:
* If you are not yet an member of Onrpg please sign up here:
* Enter your Onrpg username and password below to get your Code.
Instructions to redeem your key:
* Take your key and go to this page:
You have to be logged into with your Aeria account.
* Put in your key in the "Event Key" box. Click the Submit button.
* You can redeem your items in your POST mailbox in the game!
Total keys: 10,000- remaining: 9,965
Congratulations! Your key: 03PF-1P3G-LHG7-0464 -- i dont play so here ya go.