Guilds that have gathered under the banner of Runes of Magic have now the chance to apply for access to the Closed Beta.
And this is how it works:
Your guild leader sends us an Excel Sheet (xls) of those members who are regsitered and signed up to the beta over,register.html and forwards this list to this email adress:
The name of the file should be: Guildname_XXX
The XXX stands for the amount of members in the list.
These information has to be in the list:
* User name
* Real name
The Deadline is the 11/05/2008.
Excel-sheets that are not named and filled out properly will NOT be accepted!
Guild feedback is highly important to us. This includes first impressions, crafting, dungeons and so on.
Please gather your feedback and let it be send in an understandable document to the adress above.
At this point we cannot stress enough that we still have an active NDA.
The spreading of screenshots and video material or similar is not allowed and will cause your account to be suspended and getting anyone involved banned.
Should there be any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.
Looking forward to work with you!
-Silberfuchs & and the Runes of Magic Team
Since Shu isn't around i guess i'll have to do this.... lol Or is someone else nice enough to take charge of this? >.>;
So please post your info at least 3 days before the deadline if you want to participate.