Personal Information
Real Name: Dillon Rice
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Location: Louisiana
Game Information
What Game Are you Joining our guild from? FFXIV
In-Game Name: Talan Reis
Class & Level: 30 SCH/SMN
Official Game Forums Name: Talan
Gaming Experience in which mmorpg: I've played FFXI, WoW, TERA, SWTOR,
Have you been in any other guilds previously? (If yes, which ones?): None on FFXIV and the only other one would be Dawn of Discord on WoW
Reason for interest in our Guild and, what do you expect from joining Aetherius: I just want a nice group of people to play and explore the game with.
How did you hear about us? (If someone referred you please name the referrer): The official forums
How often do you play weekly?: Mostly every day haha
What can you offer to the guild? (Note: it can be anything ranging from skills such as graphic design, making videos, programming, etc. to in-game pvp excellence or crafting): I can be a friendly and sometimes silly member and I love to make people laugh. Although I do tend to be shy at first haha. I would love to help out anyone whether they be new to the game or a vet.
Are you willing to contribute to the guild?: Most certainly.
Technical Information
Do you have and use a Microphone? Sure do.
Do you know what RaidCall is, and if yes, will you use it?
(Note: Our guild will may require a player to use raidcall in certain instances)
I've heard of RaidCall, though I've never used it myself. If its anything like any of the other programs like TS or Vent I'll be glad to use it.
Do you prefer to lurk on forums, or actively participate? I'm not a forum person tbh. I do most of my talking through speech or in game chat. I have started browsing more forums though.
Optional Information
Do you have Skype? (if so please provide contact info): dillon.steed.rice
What kind of personality are you? I'm silly, but I love to listen and help people when they need me to. I really love to cheer people up or make them smile even if they are having a bad day.
Do you read or speak any other language?: I don't, but I hope to learn someday.
Anything else you would like us to know?: I'm here when you need me