Please copy/paste this into your own application and answer all questions to the best of your ability. Make sure you've read all available stickies before applying.
1) How did you hear about Aetherius?
2) Do you know anyone in Aetherius? How well do they know you? Ask them to post in your thread or send me a PM.
3) What influenced your decision to play on the Luminous Star Server?
4) How long have you been playing Iris?
5) What time of day/night (specify time zone) can we generally find you online?
6) What is it that you hope that Iris as a guild and community can do for you?
7) Please list the history of guilds you have been in, and why you left them. If you've never been in a guild before, tell us what has caused your decision to apply here.
8) Tell us a bit about yourself as a player: your habits and preferences on things in game. What are you interested in doing?
9) What brings you the most enjoyment in game?
10) What is your biggest gripe about Iris in its current state?
11) Do you currently use voice chat (ventrilo specifically)? Do you have any problem with using it for groups/raids?
Personal (the mind behind the pixels):
1) Cats or Dogs?
2) Tell us a little about you, the person. What would you like us to know? Anything unique, strange, or interesting you'd like to share?
3) How old are you? (if not answered in #2)
4) What do you look for in friends the most, both in game and out?
5) What games and activities do you enjoy outside of Iris?
Character (the pixellated kind):
1) What is your main character's name, level, class, and spec?
2) How experienced are you with playing this character?
3) Are you interested in different talent specs, or are you in love with your current one?
4) Would you be interested in changing your spec, in a group/raid situation, to help overcome a particularly difficult obstacle?
5) Do you have any alts that you would plan to bring to the guild? Tell us a bit about them.
6) Do you have any characters in other guilds?
Last question:
Why do you think that Aetherius would be a good fit for you, both as a person, and a player?
By submitting this application, you understand and agree to the following:
You have read, and agree to abide by all guild rules. If you have an issue with the guild's rules or members, you will discuss it with the officers calmly to see if any acceptable solution can be found.
You understand the principles on which the guild was founded, and agree to uphold them to the best of your ability.
In this last section, please change the "You"s to "I"s, and "your" to "my" when pasting into your application to signify that you have read and agree with these terms.