I started to play 9dragons, again. Started 4 days ago and already have a Deva Monk RC2.
I also have a Blood Demon RCxx.
All in the EU server = Bardo.
I'm now FD9 (with my shaolin hybrid) and I hope to be SM1 in a day or two :P
My Blood Demon is RC8.
Don't forget, I'm in Bardo server ^^
EDIT2: Today I'm GB3 and I did my worst mistake EVER in a mmorpg.
I made my stall and put 10 BE's at 1,2kk (each one costs 1,2kk)... I forgot to put one 0 (it should be 12kk) -.-''
Well I'm not that mad because I got 10 BE's in 2 days :P
I got GB3 in 2 to 3 weeks (I had no life in those days
This is a copy&paste from another topic that no one seems to go :bored:
So anyone else playing in Bardo server?
Or how about starting playing? :P
If you want to know how to get rid of the ads talk to me, my way it's not illegal ;)
If you create a shaolin char and play it until OC I can invite you to our hero league ;)
NOTE: This is the only F2P game that I only paid. I never paid for a F2P mmorpg.
What I like in this game:
- realistic martial arts
if you're lucky and get into a nice league and if you get social with
others in the game, the gaming will be nice, you'll seem to lvl faster
and so on
- every wednesday, friday, saturday and sunday you get from 2x exp event to 5x exp
- every weekend there is promotions on the item mall
- no bots (and no macros working :) )
- VGM's come to 9dragons and ask if we need to help
there are many sort of events, like VGM's go to a are and who kills
them get some reward, or they increase spawn rate, or they just give
you a nice buff to everyone in the server
- when you learn a new
skill you upgrade it by using it, so if you have a good weapon but a
crappy skill, another guy who was a normal weapon and the same skill
but leveled, he can beat you easily :P
- etc :)
If you need any more help go to mmosite and search for 9dragons guides :)