Finally, something INTERESTING.
A tactical based MMORPG!!!!
Yes, finally!
At least..a good one.
There technically won't be a maximum lvl.
You kill mosnters earn exp and you "lvl up" with this points you get to increase various stats that in urn afffect elements (fire water etc) and you get to lvl up your skills by using them.
The more you use an skill the more it lvls and makes available new skills.
It's interesting.
It's currently in Closed Beta and there isn't much to do in theclosed beta as of now.
To get your closed beta key register here: somewhere in there you get your closed beta key.
Then you go to wakfu main site register there and after registering you activate your account on the same place you register with the closed beta key.
Then I recommend you google the client cuz I was kind of lost in teh website to find it xD